Become a MaverickIs your student ready for an exciting new adventure? Does he or she want something more than working through worksheets and out of textbooks all day? Consider enrolling with us. Our project-based approach is engaging, rigorous, and relevant.
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AdmissionOpen Enrollment Has Been Extended for the 2025-2026 School Year: January 6 - February 28, 2025
2025-2026 Lottery Submission Form 2025-2026 Lottery Process and Procedures Open Enrollment Key Dates, Hours & Deadlines: OPEN ENROLLMENT(IN PERSON) JAN. 6 – FEB. 14, 2025 Monday - Friday 12:00 until 3:00 pm You may also email a PDF of the form to: [email protected] 9:00 am Jan 6 24/7 through Feb 28 at 3:00 pm (by email) OPEN ENROLLMENT CLOSES FEB 28 @ 3:00PM! NO EXCEPTIONS The lottery event will be held at the school on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:00 pm. You do not have to be present for the lottery. Attendance Requirements For the 2025-2026 academic year, Liberty Tech Charter School is open to all students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade who reside inside the state of Georgia, subject to seat availability. Students entering Kindergarten must be age 5 by September 1, 2025; students entering First Grade must be age 6 by September 1, 2025 |
Attendance EligibilityLiberty Tech Charter School is open to all students in Kindergarten through eighth grade who reside inside the state of Georgia, subject to seat availability.
School ToursInterested in a School Tour?
Join us on a school tour to learn more about our school. Tours are offered most Tuesdays at 10:30 am and Thursdays at 1:00 pm by appointment. To sign up for a school tour contact our front office at 770-461-0005. RegistrationReturning Students:
Intent to Return forms are sent out in March of each year are to be returned by mid April. The Intent to Return form is all that is needed to keep your seat for the following school year. New Incoming Students: Incoming students at the start of a school year have 15 days from the point of being offered a spot to submit your registration documents. Our registrar will provide all requirements for registration at the time of offering the spot. If you have any questions, please email Julie Herbert at [email protected]. She will be happy to help. Open Records RequestUnder the Georgia Open Records Act (OCGA §50-18-70 to §50-18-77) all public records are available for inspection and copying unless they are specifically exempted from disclosure under the law. If a government agency or custodian of public records withholds a public document from production under an Open Records Request, they will cite the provision of Georgia law that exempts the record from being produced. All Open Record Requests to inspect or copy records must be made in writing by completing an Open Records Request form to Ms. Julie Herbert. The school district will provide information relating to the request, as permissible and applicable by law, within three (3) business days after it has been received by the Open Records Officer. If the production of the information is not possible within that time frame, the Open Records Officer will issue correspondence with an explanation. Please direct open records requests to Ms. Julie Herbert by completing the form and returning it to her in person at the school, via email, or mail. Click here to access the form. Open Records Request c/o Julie Herbert 119 Price Rd. Brooks, GA 30205 [email protected] |