August 28, 2020Dear Liberty Tech Families,
We are excited to announce that LTCS will reopen for Brick & Mortar students September 14th! Thank you for your patience as we worked to return our students to LTCS! Families that chose the Brick & Mortar option on the 2020-2021 School Year Registration Survey will be returning to in-person learning on Monday, September 14. We can’t wait for you to be in the building with us again! Our Virtual Learning Option will continue to be offered through October 16. Our teachers and students have done a great job building their virtual classrooms in these first four weeks and we look forward to continuing our virtual learning option through the end of the first trimester! If you chose the Full Time Virtual option for your child(ren) on your Registration Survey, your child will continue to attend school virtually through October 16. We love seeing their shining faces brighten up our screens! Next Steps and FAQ We recognize that our educational community extends far beyond the classroom, and every decision made impacts a great number of people. We are sure you have many questions as well as apprehension about the unknowns. Over the next two weeks, we will be sharing our “Day in the Life of a Maverick” video as well as an informational sheet to help you and your child(ren) know what to expect as we welcome our students back. In the meantime, we’d like to answer some of the most frequently asked questions. I chose Brick & Mortar in my Registration Survey, but I would like for my child to continue virtually for the rest of the first trimester. Can I do this? Yes. If you would like for your child to continue virtually please email [email protected]. I chose Full Time Virtual in my Registration Survey, but I would like for my child to return to Brick & Mortar on September 14, 2020. Can we make that change? This will depend on the current number of students in your child’s classroom. At this time, the maximum students allowed in a class will be 14. Please email [email protected] if you would like to switch your child to Brick & Mortar. (Note: If the class is at capacity, your child will be put on a wait list.). What happens after October 16th? Our goal is to have all students return to in-person learning on October 19, 2020, and we will continue to assess the situation through September prior to making a final decision. What precautions/safety measures will be utilized at LTCS? While more detailed information will be provided in the next two weeks, the following list highlights some of the safety measures that will be implemented at Liberty Tech:
Response to Potential COVID-19 Exposure What happens if a student or staff member becomes symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19? Liberty Tech is working with District 4 Public Health on a daily basis to help us navigate our return to in-person instruction. The DPH will advise us when notification of exposure is required as well as determine appropriate quarantining measures if needed. Additionally, the DPH guidelines list below will be followed: Staff/Student has symptoms of Covid-19:
If you need to drop off medicine at school, please see the schedule below: Friday, September 4th - Wednesday, September 10 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. *Medication can be brought to the front office window. Please bring all necessary, completed paperwork/health plans/medication authorizations with the medication. Please click here to access medication authorization forms and/or condition specific health plans. Working Together To ensure that we have a safe and successful reopening, we need your help. We are asking that you be diligent in screening your family for symptoms, performing temperature checks before arrival, and remaining at home if they are feeling unwell or presenting with a fever. During times of illness, your child may participate virtually if he/she feels well enough to do so. We are very grateful for your continued support, patience, and partnership in providing a safe and healthy learning environment for our LTCS family. Remember, We are in this together! We are a Team! We are Mavericks! Thanks, Melissa King [email protected] 770-461-0005 Comments are closed.